The Eco Picture Diary Project is to encourage kids to be aware of environmental issues and its solutions through making a poster. The project has been held every summer since 2000 and there are around 20,000 entries from the elementary school students in Yokohama every year. The jury of the project are the partnership companies that are seeking the opportunity to interact with the children.
Prize exhibition is held every December in Yokohama Minato Ohsanbashi Hall. Panel discussion by past winners is one of the programs at the exhibition. Other environmental artworks that were drawn by the children in Yokohama are showcased together as well.
This project is spreading all over Japan from Hokkaido to okinawa. In 2019, there were entries from San Diego, the U.S. The project offers the connection between people and the companies across the areas and countries, and it becomes the opportunity to share their know-hows to accomplish the project.